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Rainbow Dragon Transforming into Forest Snake-A Nourishing Life Perspective


Hi everybody! Welcome to the year of the Wood Snake. As of the new moon this morning, we've all officially entered the Lunar New Year of East Asian traditions. I find the study and interpretation of cycles of nature very interesting and compelling. For instance, where I live the moon cycle that occurs around the month of February is known locally as the Snow Moon or even the Frog Snow Moon. Local indigenous knowledge recognizes this as a time of both a high chance of snow and the time when the frogs begin to sing indicating the start of spring...

And, this next weekend (Feb 1st and 2nd) is the first chance of lowland snow that we've had during last fall and this winter.

So, maybe there is something to these natural cycles and ancient wisdom...

According to Chinese Zodiac traditions, we are passing from the rather large, wild, and magical energy of the Yang Wood Dragon into the more relaxed, subdued, and meditative energy of the Yin Wood Snake. This is a pretty big change and literally is like a mythical, magical Dragon flying through the sky changing into a small, harmless (non-venomous) forest snake hanging out in the cool shady woods.

We all have the opportunity to adapt and harmonize with these qualities accordingly. For instance, last year in honor of the Wood Dragon year I gave a big public talk. This year I'm writing a simple and short blog.

One of the key aspects of connecting to and harmonizing with these natural cycles is actually the simple act of observation. We can ask ourselves questions such as:

What do you notice about this year?

How is it different than last year?

What do you feel like doing or not doing this year and how is it different than last year?

Snake are known in Chinese culture for their stillness and natural meditative quality. They are also known for the suppleness of their spine and the effortless circulation of Qi or vital energy through their body. This is a good year to focus on mobility, gentle spinal exercises, circulating the qi in the body (in a non-vigorous way), and also noticing the meditative aspects of the activities we engage in.

Here are core practices that might be particularly helpful during this year:

-Sitting Meditation

-Standing Meditation

-Sit Spot

-Meditative Walking Practices (including Fox-Walk, Wide-Angel Vision/Owl Eyes)

-Mobility training

-Taijiquan (Tai Chi) especially styles that emphasize spirals like Chen-style


-Any form of gentle exercise with an emphasis on spirals, benefiting the joints, and subtle gradual work with the connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, and fascia)

Finally, simply spending time in nature observing all around you might be exactly what you need to connect with the quality of the Wood Snake.

In accordance with the quality of the year, I think that's plenty to say!



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