Intuitive Tracking
NEW Upcoming E-Course!
Intuitive Tracking, Synchronicity, and Deep Awareness
Nourishing Practices for Challenging Times
Building Foundations for Deep Connection and Intuition
Live 8 Week Video Series
In this 8 part, Zoom-style course, expert tracker, visionary, and author Jon Young, energy healer, tracker and interspecies communicator Sarah Fontaine, and survival skills expert and author Nate Summers, will lead a deep immersion into the world of intuition, synchronicity, awareness, deep connection practices, and spirit tracking.
During the course, we will cover topics such as Body Radar, Intuition, Bird Language, Tracking, Dreaming, Synchronicity, Connection through Ceremony, and Subtle Energetic Work. All of the teachings will be presented in a holistic way and there will be plenty of storytelling, questions and answers, reflections, feedback, and opportunities to share. Each week participants will be given multiple take-home exercises to deepen their connection to nature and start with their own Intuitive Tracking journey. Ultimately, this course will provide a foundation to deepen your own path in these arts for the rest of you life.
All classes will be recorded and available for your viewing convenience!
Zoom conference calls
Mondays 11 AM-12:30 PM PST
Every week for 8 weeks
Starting Monday, September 27th
Recordings available!
Early Bird: $177
General: $227
After September 22nd
Session 1: Foundations, Deep Connection, and Stories of Awareness
Session 2: First Creation and Second Creation and Unlocking Intuition​
Session 3: Core Practices to Develop Deep Awareness 1
Session 4: Core Practices to Develop Deep Awareness 2
Session 5: Dreaming and Tracking Synchronicity
Session 6: Intermediate and Advanced Intuitive Tracking and Awareness
Session 7: Connection Through Ceremony and Supportive Practices
Session 8: Wrapping the Bundle
Each week an email will go out to participants with a summary of what we covered, access to a video link of the class, and exercises to practice and do.
At the end of the course, participants will be given permanent links to all of the class material including the ability to download a PDF of relevant info, and summary of what has been covered!
Instructional Team
Lead Instructor
Jon Young is a deep nature-people-self connection researcher, mentor, naturalist, wildlife tracker, author, workshop leader, consultant, sought after public speaker and storyteller. Jon has been mentored in deep nature connection by his own grandmothers, Tom Brown, Jr. and a host of elders and experts. As a leader in the field of nature-based community building over 30 years, Jon’s research into the impact and significance of nature on mentoring, human intelligence, spiritually, well-being and development has influenced tens of thousands of people worldwide. Jon has authored and co-authored several seminal works on nature connection and connection mentoring, including What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal the Secrets of the Natural World (2013), and Coyote's Guide to Connecting to Nature (2007). Jon has appeared in numerous documentaries including The Animal Communicator (2012). In 2016, he received the Champion of Environmental Education Award for his innovative work, which has inspired positive developments in the field, and fostered the growth of the nature connection movement on a global level. Jon is a father of six children, and lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains with his partner, Sarah

Guest Instructor
Sarah MacLean Bicknell is a healer, teacher, and mentor. She has studied healing and ceremonial work in North American indigenous traditions for 30 years. She has incorporated her Celtic roots into her present North American practice and is sought out for her intuitive readings, workshops, ceremony, and her soul doctoring practice. She stands in deep gratitude to her elders and teachers that have gone before and stands firmly in her own vision, a vision that is related and crafted for these times of the 21st century. Her work is about connection, community, ceremony and respect. Also raised in the Western world, she has lived the loss of disconnection and is profoundly thankful to her indigenous elders who taught her how to re-arrive more fully into her life.

Lead Instructor
Sarah is a energywork practitioner, bodyworker, wildlife tracker, and interspecies communicator. She has studied wildlife tracking through Shikari Tracker Mentoring with Jon Young and Josh Lane, Tom Brown Jr’s Tracker School, and Cybertracker Conservation. She is a graduate of the Kamana Naturalist Training Program and studied Interspecies Communication with Anna Breytenbach and Wynter Worsthorne.
For over 19 years, Sarah has been practicing various healing modalities including Chakra-work, Craniosacral Therapy, Meridian Therapy, Qi Gong, Emotional Clearing, and Five Elements Herbalism. She currently offers Earth-based energywork sessions, and lives in the sandhill mountains near Santa Cruz, CA with her partner Jon.

Lead Instructor
Nate Summers has been a student of, practitioner of, and teacher of Qigong, Chinese Medicine, Internal Martial Arts and Natural Healing Arts for over two decades. He is the author of Primal: Why We Long to Be Wild and Free and Awakening Fire: The Essential Guide to Flame, Ignition, and Wood. Nate has served as a faculty member at the Wilderness Awareness School, the Desert Institute of Healing Arts, and the Asian Institute of Medical Studies. He deeply loves plants and empowering others in their health journey by connecting them to the Green World all around them. Nate has taught survival skills, ethnobotany, herbal medicine and natural movement to people all over the country and all over the world. He loves foraging for wild foods with his family, playing outside barefoot wild and free, and making medicine.