Nate Summers, author of Primal: Why We Long to be Wild and Free, has been a survival skills instructor for over 20 years with a background in anthropology, Asian studies, and natural medicine. He taught and directed at the Wilderness Awareness School for over 15 years, and has served as faculty for the Desert Institute of Healing Arts, the Asian Institute of Medical Studies, and as adjunct faculty for Prescott College. Nate's passions include ethnobotany, natural mentoring, hunter-gatherer childhoods, natural movement, herbal medicine, internal martial arts, and all things related to being a ranger, scout, and forest ninja.
Nate holds a Master's degree from NIAOM (Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), and B.A.s in both anthropology and Asian studies from the University of Illinois.

Shadow Survival
A Guide to Tactical Awareness, Advanced Survival, Evasion, Intuition and More
About Nate's Latest Book:
Unlock and unleash a whole new world of survival! In this one-of-a-kind guide, survival expert and instructor Nate Summers reveals secret techniques, skills, and training from the world of Camouflage, Evasion, Tactical Awareness, Bird Language, Advanced Survival Skills, Self-Defense, Stalking, Natural Movement, Mapping, Navigation and Activating Your Intuition. Up your survival skills training and unlock the world of the archetype of the Scout, the Ranger, or the Forest Ninja. Drawing on over thirty years of experience and from master teachers around the globe, Nate unveils a whole new world of survival teaching you to disappear, merge with nature, and read the subtlest stories and sign that are being revealed.
Inside you will find stories, specific exercises, and direct teachings that are even now used by Special Forces, survival experts, law enforcement agents, and first responders around the world to stay safe, aware, and alert in any situation. Nate details his direct experience , shares anecdotes of training with the masters, and spells out specific exercises and training to deepen your own path to deeper survival skills, awareness, and the way of the Scout.
From the Gurkhas of the Himalayas to the Shadow Wolves of the American Southwest to the Ninja of medieval Japan to the ancient Fiana of Ireland to the Apache Scouts, there have always been bands of protectors, master of awareness and survival, and teachers of a deeper way of being safe, dialed into our deepest levels of intuition, and ultimately connected to the flow of nature around us. Inside you will find their stories, methods, and ways revealed, some for the very first time.
This is the first volume of a planned multi-volume set entitled Scoutcraft, a series unlocking the secrets of the scouts throughout history and from around the world.
Your Primal Journey
Are you curious about exploring your own inner primal nature? Have you read the book Primal and you are inspired and want to take the next step? Do you long for ways to de-stress, deeply connect to nature, and feel peace and at ease within? Are you curious about ancestral skills and your own hunter-gatherer journey? Do you want to know how to make fire? To move wild and free like a wild animal? To forage wild foods and eat off the landscape?
PrimalNature training is for you. Click to learn more about classes, online training, events, and workshop immersions!
"We have lost touch with the skills that kept our ancestors alive...
"Being still, listening, deep awareness, reading the landscape around you, situational awareness, being invisible, subterfuge, evasion, developing a map in your head, unlocking your intuition, moving without disturbing the world around you, traveling slowly, carefully and safely, stalking, calming the mind and body to find stillness…there's a whole other part of the story."
--Shadow Survival

"A few hours later we sat around a fire we had made with a fire kit."
"Chunks of venison roasted on sticks over the fire, the smell was unbelievable. We were sore and tired, but also lit up. After awhile, we nibbled on some smoky, succulent chunks. I’ve never tasted meat that good, and some sort of energy from the meat hit me hard. I felt wild, alive, and vital."
- Primal: Why We Long to Be Wild and Free